The Water-Food-Energy Nexus

Serious Games & Visualisation

Website in progress

This website is being built...

"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."
Benjamin Franklin

Why serious games?

Introductory words by Professor Dragan Savic

About the different games and visualisations

The NYC Game is a small competitive online game in which players have to swap pipes in a network so as to minimise cost, but maximise water pressure.

The Modena Game multi-player online game is a collaborative team based exercise in which different teams compete to solve several constraints so as to produce the water distribution network with the best choice of pipes that would minimise cost, maximise pressure, and minimise water age and leakage.

The Aqualibrium Game is a small competitive online game in which players try to swap pipes of different sizes so as to minimise the difference of level between 3 reservoirs.